"Who's Job Is It, Anyway?"
Alright. Let me begin by saying, I'm not a politician. I don't follow the news, polls, or whatever, sniffing behind officials & keeping tabs on their every move. I am, however, an observer of the bigger picture. And what I see, is a person trying to decrapitize our nation one shovel-full at a time. I'm not sure if I'm for or against our President. But I do know the difference b/w what he's trying to do, & what our OTHER elected officials are SUPPOSED to be doing.
It aggravates me when I hear things like "Obama isn't doing enough for the black community" and "Black support for Obama is decreasing b/c he isn't doing anything to help black unemployment." The one that gets me fired up EVERYtime is "Obama is a liar, he hasn't done anything since he's been in office; Everything is WORSE than before."
Okay, first of all: Why do we elect people for Congress? What is the point of going through political campaigning & paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to these people in the House of Reps & Senate? Maybe it's just me, or I could have sworn that Representatives were elected to REPRESENT their designated districts, & to take care of the needs of their constituents. I wonder why people hold so much responsibility against the president, even though we take the time to stand hours at a time to vote for our Mayors, & Governors, & White House officials. If Obama actually spent his days in office trying to solve Black community issues, all types of hell would break loose. His focus is America, not BLACK America. Even if he was to change his focus up on the Black community, would he be able to get anything done? In order for someone to help you, you must help yourself. Instead of bitching & moaning about what the GOVT isn't doing for you, are you trying to help yourself first? Also, if you're so concerned with your community, are you reaching out to it, trying to help others instead of using that as a crutch to be a nuisance?
As far as the "He hasn't done anything since he's been on office" opinion... Give me a BREAK. It's been all of 11 months, going on a year. As much red tape he has to go through, I'm not holding my breath. I suppose that's part of the American attitude; "we want it now, now, RIGHT NOW!" Changes take time, people. Anything done overnight usually doesn't last. He still has 3 more years ahead of him, so I'll take my chances & try to SUPPORT him as our President.
It aggravates me when I hear things like "Obama isn't doing enough for the black community" and "Black support for Obama is decreasing b/c he isn't doing anything to help black unemployment." The one that gets me fired up EVERYtime is "Obama is a liar, he hasn't done anything since he's been in office; Everything is WORSE than before."
Okay, first of all: Why do we elect people for Congress? What is the point of going through political campaigning & paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to these people in the House of Reps & Senate? Maybe it's just me, or I could have sworn that Representatives were elected to REPRESENT their designated districts, & to take care of the needs of their constituents. I wonder why people hold so much responsibility against the president, even though we take the time to stand hours at a time to vote for our Mayors, & Governors, & White House officials. If Obama actually spent his days in office trying to solve Black community issues, all types of hell would break loose. His focus is America, not BLACK America. Even if he was to change his focus up on the Black community, would he be able to get anything done? In order for someone to help you, you must help yourself. Instead of bitching & moaning about what the GOVT isn't doing for you, are you trying to help yourself first? Also, if you're so concerned with your community, are you reaching out to it, trying to help others instead of using that as a crutch to be a nuisance?
As far as the "He hasn't done anything since he's been on office" opinion... Give me a BREAK. It's been all of 11 months, going on a year. As much red tape he has to go through, I'm not holding my breath. I suppose that's part of the American attitude; "we want it now, now, RIGHT NOW!" Changes take time, people. Anything done overnight usually doesn't last. He still has 3 more years ahead of him, so I'll take my chances & try to SUPPORT him as our President.
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