Letter to my Mother.

-Inspiration while writing: "Retrospect for Life" by Common ft Lauryn Hill
Dear Mommy,
I remember when I tried to call you "mama" one time. You turned around and looked at me and said "who is that??" That was my confirmation that you are my mommy, age 2 to age 58. You know how some kids are "Daddy's Girls" or "Momma's Boys"? Well, I'm a Mommy's Girl. As far back as I can remember, I have always been a Mommy's Girl. Don't get me wrong, I love Daddy, he is the strongest male figure in my life; but I have always had a bond with you that other girls don't always have with their mothers. My friends would ask me "Why would you tell your Mom that??? I would NEVER tell my Mom that." They didn't understand that it wasn't about keeping secrets from you. Sharing, though it may be surprising [good/bad], helps bond you closer, and therefore the understanding easier. A person can't say that her mother "doesn't understand her" if her mother doesn't know anything about her.
Remember all the times we had, whether we'd be in the car or in the house cleaning or something, and we'd be singing and laughing and having a good time, and then my cheesy self would say "AWW, look at us bonding, mommy"? Even now when I talk to you on the phone, or go home and catch up on talk, it feels good just kicking back with my Mommy. I love feeling like I'm making you happy, that's why I strive to do things to make you proud, or to even make you smile, because it always seems like something is burdening you, whether it's physically or mentally. Even with those burdens, you are THE strongest woman I have ever come across. We can idol far away women for their strength, courage and determination, but how could I look over the woman that raised me? I can read about their struggles, but everyday I watched you and saw you be strong.
I realize that everyday wasn't joyous and I wasn't the most helpful child when it came to situations. 2008 was a hard year for us, and 2009 wasn't all that great either, but I believe it helped shape me into what I am now. You didn't just throw your hands up at me and give up on me like some mothers might have. You cared enough to want to show me the right path and get my head back on straight.
I am blessed and forever grateful to have someone so encouraging and understanding as my mother. You weren't the type to tell me what to do in a certain situation; you gave me your thoughts and allowed me to make choices for myself so that I could find out the consequences for myself. You also let me know what isn't acceptable so I wouldn't purposely go out and try to go against the grain. Everyone doesn't have a mother that is so supportive and loving, and I never want to know that feeling. We've gone through some sticky situations, but despite that, you remained my mother, not my enemy or a stranger.
While writing this note, I can't help but remember that I had 3 mothers: you, Grandma, & Gigi. While you were away doing what you could to make a life for us, I was left to be raised by your mother and my sister, both for which I am grateful. I learned things from them and saw things from their perspective.
I don't want them to think that their love & work are in vain. Especially Gigi. Gigi took me under her wing with the most love a big sister could have for her baby sister, offering every bit of support & encouragement she could, remembering me even when I was selfish & didn't remember her. As I've gotten older, I realized that she is the most upbeat, resourceful, bounce back from anything person I know, & I appreciate her tremendously.
To end this letter, I just want to say how much I love you, Mommy. I don't think I could have grown & continue growing if you weren't a part of my life. I appreciate the ups, the downs, & the in betweens. I appreciate you, and any other female who has come into my life and taught me a valuable life lesson, whether it be good or bad. You teach me things everyday, whether it's though a conversation or a memory. I'll never take it for granted.
Forever your "darling daughter,"
Alley Boo.
So, with all that said: Happy Mother's Day, people!! Show your mommies how much you appreciate them, for the big AND little things. Good Day! :)
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