As Told By Me...
When I started this blog ten years ago, it served as a place for me to get my thoughts out of my head where maybe someone else could relate. Since then, my overall social media presence has served in the same way. I speak candidly about my experiences as a 20-something-year-old, my wins, my losses and everything in between. I'm an over-sharer online in a way that I would never be in person. As backward as that may seem, I believe it allows others to feel seen in their own corner of the world. As accessible as everything is in this day and age, it is still possible to feel isolated. I know that feeling first-hand. So, to those who feel that way and need to be reminded that you are seen, this post is dedicated to you. I've re-introduced myself a million times on this blog because I tend to go five (ten??) years between posts. Hey, life happens. Each time I introduce myself, I am in an entirely new phase and feel the need to make that plain. With that said, why deviate from trad...