Reinvention, take...?

So. It is 2019. My last post was in 2014. I have 2 drafts prior to this post, one of them titled "Love It So You Can Leave It." I started it on 2/12/16. I vividly remember what was going on in my life around that time, but I won't revisit that moment in time. Today, we look forward.
2019 started a little rocky - I have a sinus infection that has been whooping my natural black hind parts. I also had a *really* hard day at work, so much so that I left work earlier to finish the day at home. I won't get into the specifics, but sometimes feedback is hard to hear no matter how much you already expected it.
I say all that to say... I am optimistic for this year. I have been working on something subconsciously lately that shows up when I most need it. I have been shifting the way I frame things. I have been taking feedback and difficult situations and framing it into something that can be used as a "call to action." I take what I need from it to put towards a positive/productive outcome. Even though I left work early, I got in and immediately got back to work. I wrote out the things I need to do to address the issues and what I can contribute to the solution. I didn't stew - which is growth for me. Because Lord KNOWS I can stew. I am learning to redirect that energy to something productive that will lead to positive results. I must say, it has been fruitful and refreshing.
Something about this year makes me want to "reinvent" - again. Or maybe a better word to use is "evolve." There are habits, thought processes and vices that do not serve my greater good. There are habits that I want to pick up, things I want to learn and seeds I want to plant. There is something about this year that makes me want to do the work now so that I can experience the harvest in due time. I absolutely want to live my best life right now... but I also want to do the work so I can live my best life in the future, too. That means that I will need to put my head down right now and do the work. I am still determining what needs to be done to get all of this done. But I am, for once, enjoying the thought of hard work.
I know this was incredibly random. I don't really have an explanation outside of just feeling the desire to write. I was told that it doesn't matter, just write. What needs to be said will come out and touch who it needs to, but do it for me. So if this resonates with you, I am glad. Let's work.


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